Dean Hankey | The Dean Of Success… SpeakTacular EnterTrainer & Marketing Magician! | Reno NV | 800-357-7469


“Discover THE Money Making MAGIC Marketing Mojo & Insider Secrets of ‘Show Business To GROW BUSINESS’ for Sold-Out Success and Rock-Star Results Utilizing Seven Simple Steps To Grow Your Business Bottom Line Without Breaking The Bank… Guaranteed!”


Don’t Take Our Word For it…
See What Real People Have To Say!


It’s Like ‘AutoMagically’
Pulling Money Out Of Thin-Air!

Interesting isn’t it? Ever wonder how the mega-million dollar entertainment industry moguls really generate massive engagement and marketing buzz surrounding celebrities, concerts, events, theaters, showrooms, even the circus… heck, what ever they are doing???

How about all the headlines alone reporting on who’s eating what, where and with whom!? – REALLY? – Do we really care what they ate? NO, but we seam to be transfixed by their every move none the less!

THAT is the ‘ShowBiz Magic Marketing Machine’ at work my friends!

=> Now imagine, what if I told you that you COULD leverage this very kind of magicmarketing buzz for you and your business product, service and solution BUT instead of the ‘411’ on the trivial nature of what you had for lunch, YOU Received The Massive Success focusing on the killer results you generate for your target audience with your business while keeping you audience transfixed with you unique, compelling, engaging marketing story that get’s buyers to hunt you down just to do business with YOU!?!

You CAN… ya’ know!

Shhhhhhhh… The dirty little insider secret no one wants you to know is it’s all meticulously crafted and implemented, systematically and strategically and by design, all at the hands of the entertainment industries amazingly effective… ‘Show-Biz MAGIC Marketing Machine’!

Truth is… in the entertainment industry; NONE of this all happens by accident! No Way!

The Most Closely Held Insider SECRETS of the ‘Show-Biz MAGIC Marketing Machine’ are theses very kind of Stealth, Yet Strategic Promotion, Publicity, Sales, Influence and the almost Hypnotic Persuasion and Compliance Systems Secretly Used Along With The Most Astonishing, Yet Simple Attention Winning Strategies Ever Designed On The Face Of The Planet AND They WORK Like MAGIC!

Finally… allow me to magically pull back the curtain and finally reveal to you an all-access, backstage pass exposing the inner-most secrets that the entertainment industry doesn’t want you too know!

  • Spotlight YOUR Rock-Star Results For You & Your Business!
  • Become The Go-To Celebrity Expert That Everyone Wants & NEEDS To Know!
  • Uncover The Most Coveted Inside Secrets of Print Persuasion and How To Turn Your Marketing Into Money Making MAGIC!
  • Scripting Your Compelling Story That Will Have People Clamoring To Buy What-Ever You’re Selling! (Building Know, Like & Trust!)
  • Breakthrough The Invisible Barrier Between You And The Next level In Your Business Now!
  • Utilize The Top Secret Principles of M.A.G.I.C. to Roll Out The Red Carpet For YOU and Your Customers !

…AutoMagically CREATE Sold-Out Success & Rock-Star Results for You and Your Business NOW!


Event Success That Is Exciting, Engaging & FUN!
Call, Get More Information & Book Now!
800)357-7469 |


P. Dean Hankey; The Dean of $uccess!
SpeakTacular EnterTrainer & Marketing Magician
…at the ‘Show-Biz To GROW-Biz’ University of Success!
