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"Thanks, Dean, for putting together such an awesome program."
I just had the most incredible meeting with a representative from the local high school booster club. I made my FUN-d presentation exactly as you suggested & the more I said, the more excited he got. - - He made comments like "this is so much better than other things we have done...it's a win-win". - I let him look through the "tool kit" but did not let him take it. This is a school with an enrollment of 1700 kids, so it could be very interesting. - - Some of the things I said were directly from your teaching like "let the teachers teach & the parents parent,....etc.", and I could tell that this really "hit home". - I have another FUN-d presentation to make on Monday, and I am really looking forward to it. Thanks, Dean, for putting together such an awesome program

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"Massive Experiance PERIOD! -- You Are Saving a 20-40 Year Learning Curve!"
Massive Experience PERIOD! When Dean Reveals Insights -- You Are Saving A 20-40 Year Learning Curve!
One of three men I know personally to have 100% personal integrity on all levels -- one of the great men -- richer in ways that transcend money -- a man of his word, backed by his heart and experience.
I love you Dean!
Best Selling Author, Speaker, Trainer & Wealth Mentor