“Discover How Top Profit Producing Professionals Make Massive Amounts Of Cash, And Really Big Pay-Checks By Literally Using “Thin Air” To Create Indelible and Long-Term Profit Relationships, Book Big-Time Gigs And Make Killer Sales Deals That Would Make Jeff Bezos Blush With Envy!”

Finally Revealed...
...the 'invisible' success secret is available! After nearly 40 years of proven, powerful success the mystic profit-making power of “Invisible Magic Dust” is available to topnotch professionals! - We are all looking for ways to positively improve our marketing, improve our impact with our business relationships, leave indelible memories AND increase our income all at the same time.
” ‘What the heck is Invisible Magic Dust?’ - That was my first reaction when I heard about it.
I soon found out that IMD is indeed pure magic, marketing magic that is. If you want to get attention, have clients and customers long remember you and your product or service and bring a smile to their face, then IMD is a no brainier, you’ll not go wrong, we’re recommending it to our clients and to you.”
Dr Rick Allen Ph.D
Allen Direct Publishing
Gone are the days of simply leaving a business card and only “hoping” to improve the quality of our bottom line business for ourselves and other we support. It just ain’t cutting it anymore!
Think about it, there are over 3,000+ real marketing impressions that we are inundated with every single day, so how the heck are you gunna’ make a lasting, indelible impression for YOU and your business???
So what is “Invisible Magic Dust!” anyway???
GREAT Question! If you will take just a moment to simply read this one page, I KNOW you will see exactly what a powerful and incredibly effective marketing weapon, indelible instant rapport and trust builder, phenomenal ice breaker, and the single most unique promotional gift and attention grabber available on the planet!
“If you want to be successful, you MUST be remembered somehow,
‘Invisible Magic Dust!’ can make all the difference in the world!”
“Well everyone things are looking really good, I met with the PR Mall Rep this morning just to go over small details see the space I would be performing in etc. and they are interested in purchasing custom invisible magic dust to send to all the kids in the club, they currently have 1300 kids and the point of the show I will be doing is to get more kids to sign up! I told them each custom magic dust would be 3 dollars and they didn’t flinch…
=> YES, $3.00 dollars wholesale times 1300 kids hmmmmmmmmm CRAZY!
Well I am sure you can do the math all I have to say is chaaaaaaaaching! – – Hold on that’s my bank account calling, we may need to stitch it up cause its bursting at the seams!
...just have one thing to say THANKS DEAN!
I also sent them as grabbers in mailing it that got a huge response! - So you may want to ask The Dean for some info on that…… use it to magically make your bank account grow!
Any way I am glad I bought the license before your brain kicked in and you realized you should be charging a ton more for this license!”
Greg McAdams,
McAdams Magic and Illusion
Dracut, MA
Over the last 40 years, I have discovered this extremely powerful profit-making marketing tool that has out performed any other impression creating device better than anything else on the planet… AND in addition to that your buyers will happily, “willingly” PAY YOU for it too! (Whether you actually charge them or not! That part is irrelevant to the POINT of this top secret weapon!)
How cool is THAT!?
What if I could show you a sure-fire way to get people to PAY YOU to not only market to them with 100% permission way, but your audience will also GLADLY pay you for your marketing and business card!
That’s right, they will happily PAY YOU for your business card, whether you actually charge them or not… REAL high perceived value that formally did not exist, except through this exclusive offer.
“Invisible Magic Dust is a phenomenal, attention getting tool for anyone in sales and marketing who is looking for a way to make a memorable impression.
I often carry them with me and hand them out to prospects I meet at networking opportunities. It’s really fun when you hear laughter from across the room and look to see that someone is reading the “instruction” book for the dust.
This is the type of tool that helps me stand out from the crowd which in turn puts more money in my pocket.”
Chris Egelston
LEADS To Success! | Speaker-Consultant
Chris Egelston & Associates, Carterville, IL
“Unlock the vault to the most financially rewarding system for getting paid a Bank-Load of EXTRA ‘free’ money!”
This full-blown insider information will show you “How To Make Buckets Of Money” using this insanely simple product license!
* DISCOVER the promotionalist’s most coveted inside secrets such as, “HOW to get people to PAY YOU tons of money while MASTERING the art of profiting with individual, seasonal and annual sponsorships & joint ventures!”
* LEARN the real inside dope on using “Invisible Magic Dust!” as a profit center for yourself and others, including the actual developed, tested, tried and true information for instantly profiting from your very-own winning jackpot!
* EARN while you learn! Produce huge piles of crisp, fresh, green CASH using all the tips, tricks and secrets for successfully selling your own, customized “Invisible Magic Dust!” as one of many profit streams!
* CREATE multiple streams of income for ‘instant’ profits or long-term, ongoing residual income!
* HAVE the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of virtually over-night because your license includes EVERYTHING you need! It’s ALL DONE FOR YOU so you can start profiting and promoting RIGHT AWAY!
* ENJOY all the benefits of nearly 50 YEARS of insight and experience so you can speed right past any pitfalls or business death-traps by not having to try n’ reinvent the wheel for what you could make in one single transaction! (And that’s on a really ‘bad’ day!)
This information alone is worth MORE than what we are asking for the “entire licensed ‘profit-making’ system!”
This is an individually licensed product and profit center, complete with EVERYTHING YOU NEED to create your very-own, fully developed and incredibly unique HOT SELLING PRODUCT with-out having to virtually do a thing!! (Some simple printing at home on your desktop… that’s all! You don’t even ‘HAVE’ to do that!) YEP, it’s an “Instant Business” and profit-center as well as the single most unique, (custom imprintable) proprietary promotional product ever created specifically to make your business ROCK!
I have never really done promotional products mailings to customers. Oh sure, a postcard or Christmas card now and then to a select few, but nothing fancy.
I wanted to target my 100 most recent customers. So, because I had more time than money, I sat down and home-made 100 of these IMD critters, on my computer and printer, assembling by hand. I purchased 100 blank note cards. I sent a handwritten note, that read,
“Dear _______ , Just a note to let you know we are thinking of you. - We hope that this fun gift adds a smile to your day!
Donald Dunphy.
We recently moved, but our phone number is unchanged.”
Read that again, I did not ask them to call me, or offer them any products. I did not enclose any business cards.
I addressed the blank note card envelopes by hand (no labels), and sent the note cards and “Invisible Magic Dust”.
- Some response was immediate, some took a little longer. But the total result was about $2400 worth of business so far.
REMEMBER, I did not call my customers to follow up on this mailing, this was them calling me and booking shows. I even had a higher response than that, because I couldn’t help some because of date conflicts.
Many told me how much fun the “Dust” was, and how they were going to show it to their friends.
The total cost of the envelopes, labels, ink, paper, cards, stamps, etc. was about $200. Therefor, a 1200% Return on Investment (ROI), so far.
Gotta tell you, this was a fun idea. I acted on it, and it definitely convinced me of the worth of the RIGHT promotional product, and also the worth of staying in touch with my customers more frequently.
Donald Dunphy
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
"1200% Return on investment to date…" Try gettin’ THAT in the stock market or ANY other investment on the planet!!! – You simply can’t do it!
And remember, Everything Is All Done For You… beautiful custom art, already created label templates (That you can “customize” for your own business!) all done for you and ready to profit from immediately! - - The BEST Part Is, It’s Practically 100% ‘PURE PROFIT’ to Produce!!
You see, the beauty, brilliance and simplicity of this wonder product is: “Invisible Magic Dust!” ...is JUST “AIR”!
“When I first saw Invisible Magic Dust, I immediately fell in love with it! It’s brilliant!
If you’ve ever wished there was something more effective and interesting than the common business card (and most are pretty “common”!) to give to your clients, contacts, and prospects, your wish has finally come true! - Invisible Magic Dust! - Who would have thought that something so ‘invisible’ could make you so ‘visible’?
Not only is it a super-effective marketing device for your business, it can actually be used as a lucrative stream of income on it’s own!
Once again, the ever-innovative Dean Hankey has brought you a way to “knock the socks off” of everyone you meet.”
Scott Lowry
The S.D. Lowry Group Inc.
Bloomingdale, IL
EVERYTHING YOU NEED IS ALREADY INCLUDED – This cleverly crafted, one of a kind, “careful use” booklet along with the customizable envelope labels and complete TELL-ALL, Top Secret information is ALL you’ll ever need to start makin’ money right away!
Sounds silly eh’? Well, keep reading!
...REMEMBER The “Pet Rock”??
The Pet Rock was the single most phenomenal marketing success story in history?!? It sure wasn’t because of some “rock in a box” that made it a success! The real SECRET behind the super-success of the Pet Rock was the unique and clever booklet: “The Care & Feeding of Your Pet Rock”! – THAT was the true marketing phenomena and powerful success HIT that made it all work!
“Dear Dean, I’ve started sending IMD in my thank you note follow ups. It helps BIG TIME with maintaining the relationship with my clients. The clients then remember me more often (like say, when they’re about to plan their next event!!)
You should raise the price! - I don’t want anyone else around here to get in on this!!
Robert Smith
Robert Smith Presents
Albuquerque, New Mexico
I know what you’re thinking… (I’m psycho that way! Hehehehe!) “So what, I could just steal the idea for myself?”
Well, I guess you could…
You certainly don’t need US, though this booklet and information is truly stunning and was created at the hands of some of the very-best writers, artists, product creators and success professionals anywhere!
No ‘guess-work’ or trial by failure here! (OUCH!)
Beside, could you, or better yet; WHY would you even want to invest all that TIME and money by mere happenstance?? Or take a chance on ‘Maybe’, what ‘might even never happen’, for what we are offering this entire license for??? - - Or doesn’t it really just make more sense to travel down the “virtual no risk path that has been cleared for you” by experts in the field of success already?!?
What Makes The Most Sense To You?
“Dean, Thanks for the Invisible Magic Dust. It Rocks.
I had the IMD for about 3 weeks before I had the opportunity to offer it to one of my clients. - They were having a hospitality suite after a convention and wanted to have my services, I booked the event and then used the IMD as an add-on sale they got 500 of them, at only a $1.00 each.
Less than 2 weeks later another client ordered 250 of them at $2.50 each!!!
Since then I have sold it to sales people in lots of 100 to go with their business cards.
The copy store that I have print some of them up at ordered 1000 of them.
John Juretich - C.M.P.
Corporate Business & Trade Show Consultant
Sterling Heights, MI
HELLO!!! – Are ya’ getting the picture here?
You could own this one-of-a-kind, unique individual business and profit center right now… instantly and all you have to do is say YES, I want to add to my promotional, marketing and unlimited profit potential with this insanely easy, virtually no risk license product! – – YES, I want to invest a piddly little $97.00 in YOUR Success & take action right now!
REALLY! – No Kidding!
You can think I’m joking or you can take control of your high-impact promotional future and marketing mastery right now by directly reserving your individual, unique, profit making license of “Invisible Magic Dust!” RIGHT NOW!
The choice is yours, so ORDER RIGHT NOW and get started on your road to High-Impact, Memory Making Business Success with this super easy, profit making, powerful success solution that will position you as the ultimate business solutions provider in your market! – So, who wants to become the true and definitive leader in your market TODAY?
You gotta be kidding me?
That has to be one of the best ideas ever!
Dean, congratulations my friend, as you have just entered yourself into Aaron Foster’s Top Ten All Time Greatest Marketing Ideas. Welcome to the club and your membership packet is on its way!”
Aaron Foster, President,
The Aaron Foster Group Marketing
St. Louis, MO
Please do yourself a favor, avoid making the mistake of thinking this note is mere ‘sales hyperbole’ and in miss out on this instant profit making marketing miracle! - Take the action necessary to instantly and profoundly profit from “Invisible Magic Dust!”
ACT NOW and WIN BIG! - Seriously... Just Do It! - ORDER NOW!
Grab YOUR Exclusive Member Access To This Money Making Marketing Miracle Success System NOW!
ATTENTION: Just So You Know... TECH Ain't Perfect! - Your 'Invisible Magic Dust' Member Licensed , Profit-Producing Success System Will Be eMailed To You Directly & PERSONALLY From ME (Dean Hankey) If Paypal Somehow Failed To Redirect You To Your Personal Member Access Page When You Order Is Successful & Complete! (I'm a Real Guy and Will Take Care of You PERSONALLY!) - I Value You and Your Trust With Me, as Well As Your Business and This is a VERY Personal Thing For Me, So PLEASE Know That I Will Take Care Of You As Soon As Possible! - It May Take a Short While (Usually With-In A Few Quick Hours, Depending on What Time oF Day It Is Here In Reno. ) Just KNOW That I Have Your Back I Will Over SERVE & SUPPORT YOU In The Highest Possible Way! - I Promise!
Copyright, Dean Hankey, Since 1961 | Invisible Magic Dust! | Dean Hankey, Pay It Forward PeoplePreneur & Marketing Magician! | Results@DeanHankey.com